~Prayer MinistryLots of PRAYERS for the cure and prevention of Covid 19
Prayers for all those affected by weather events.
Circle of Prayer Group meets at 4 in the Grace room to pray for our church.
A Prayer box is located inside the front entrance of the church. Please feel free to add prayer requests to this box.
"O God, help us to perceive the mind of Christ in the situations of our lives and to use that perception to guide our conduct: in Jesus's name we pray. Amen."
![]() Thank You Heavenly Father for answered prayers! Thank you for Your MIRACLES!
Prayers needed for so many: America's leaders and citizens, so many hurting because of covid 19, floods, earthquakes, power outages, and fires; ones suffering from disease, victims of shootings, unemployed, and our churches' leaders and members.
"Give us true faith, O God. Help us to face each day trusting in you, even if we don't know what will happen, and recognizing that we can't control everything that will happen. Help us to know that YOU are with us and will sustain us; in the name of Jesus, who faced even death with faith. Amen"
Our Heavenly Father asks that we pray about everything. As usual we have many people who need our prayers.
The children and youth of our church, of our state, and of our country surely need our prayers.
Also, our nation's leaders are greatly in need of prayer.
Let us not forget Christians all over the world that are being persecuted and murdered.
If you or someone you know needs prayer, please call our Prayer Chain Committee Chairperson Marie Parsons at 304-872-4206 or Dr. Carolyn Mash at 304-872-4018, and we will activate our phone chain for your needs. An additional prayer request option is at the bottom of this page.
Monthly Prayer ... Prayer for Each Other ... Prayer for Specific Needs
Prayer is a life lived in intimacy with God, a life of knowing God as savior, healer and redeemer, a place from which God’s Spirit moves and works. The goal of our Prayer Ministry is to have Members of our congregation constantly in Prayer for one another and for those who need our prayers. Please join the Prayer Ministry at Memorial United Methodist Church in praying for our County, our Pastor, each other, and all people of the world. In addition, please pray for elections, political leaders and candidates.
You may request a Prayer Warrior to pray for you or for someone you love by contacting our Prayer Ministry Team. Phone messages may be left at 304-872-3221 or you may e-mail us at umcprayerpartners@yahoo.com
If you are already being “prayed for” by one of our Prayer Warriors or have a Prayer Partner and wish for your Prayer Warrior and/or Prayer Partner to pray for a special request for you, please e-mail your request to our Prayer Ministry Team and they will forward your request. |