Summersville Memorial United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
To make Disciples of Jesus Christ
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 Thanks to all who have donated items, money, and/or efforts to our many community projects this year: hospital staff, law enforcement, teachers, DRC, to name a few.

Some of the community outreach committee loading food for delivery.


 Celebration of Mission Event was April 28th, 2018 at Jordan Chapel. Donated items went to Ebenezer Community Outreach and Hope in the Mountains. Thank you to Sam for hosting the Walk again this year for donations for this event and to others who donated monetary gifts to these ministries.

Comforting Hands:        

An outreach ministry at Memorial United Methodist began in 2005-06.  Quilting lap robes, baby quilts, newborn layettes, comforters to be included in Christmas Baskets for elderly in need, and other mission ministry outreach areas.  The ministry has grown over the years to include outreach in many states within America and foreign countries.  Since its beginning, Comforting Hands have made and donated 105 baby quilts, 227 lap robes, 145 quilts to Faltis Children's Center, 212 Teddy Bears and/or lovies to a WVU dental research program, and 16 chemo turbans to Beckley Cancer Center.  Several of our church members have worked with Comforting Hands over the ten years.  All have contributed many hours to this ministry.  New quilters are always welcome.  Contact Charlotte Cartwright at (304) 872-3221 for more information. 

 ShareFest was held the third Saturday of each month from 10:00 to 1:00. This was a community event providing a free meal, free clothing, prayer, etc. This ministry has been stopped as a result of corona virus.

Memorial United Methodist Church has been  sending  teens and adults on mission trips around the world for many years. The missionaries have touched the lives of many through the Gospel, hard work and love.
The teens work for their trips, along with doing fund raisers at the church. They are very resourceful in their quest to go on a Mission.

Some of the ways that our youth have raised the money to go on these trips have been: working at jobs, hot dog lunches, church dinners, car washes, garage sales, computer raffle, rummage sales, sold ducks and bunnies for Easter, built squirrel feeders to sell, made soap to sell, collected 2000# of metal to recycle along with collecting cans. They have also had donations from local businesses.

Mariann Lilly:   Mariann travels with Global Expeditions, a division of Teen Mania

Haiti March 2010                                         












 Mariann with some of the orphans                                          Pickaxing the ditchline for the electrical pipe


Mexico  2008







Mariann and some fellow missionaries





She went to Peru for 1 month July 2006 

Mariann also traveled to the Panama Jungle during the 2006 Christmas Holiday 




 Brandon Lilly took a 2 month mission trip to New Zealand   June - Aug 2002   

 He went  to Botswana, Africa 
June - Aug 2003








In 2000, Jonathan Williams and Emily Hypes and Marla Wightman went to Ireland with VIM

              Emily, Jonathan and Marla     Aron Sattler, friend, Adam Accord, Emily Hypes, Jonathan Williams


VIM- 1999 Lindsey Larrick Duke went to Africa University in Zimbabwe where she  worked at the orphanage with Aids children.


Beckey Hypes Frayley went to Russia 1998 with VIM


Sam Cowell went to Russia in 1997 with VIM


Global Expeditions:  Giving the opportunity to travel the world and bring the Truth of Jesus Christ to the countless thousands who are in desparate need of His love, through music, dance and teenagers.
We visit schools,visit schools, plazas, churches,  orphanages, parks, villages, huts~ anywhere where we can reach people.  Teams present the Gospel at each site through dramas, assemblies, puppet shows, and interactive ministry.




Volunteers In Mission Can You Picture Yourself. . .Building a church? Playing with kids? Repairing or building a home? Helping with flood, hurricane, or tornado recovery? Building a playground? Offering a smile? Holding a baby? Helping with a Vacation Bible School? Sharing Christ's love with others?