Summersville Memorial United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
To make Disciples of Jesus Christ
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...Operation Christmas Child

A big THANK YOU to Angie and her class and all the others who contributed to these Christmas Shoeboxes this year. 2018


Operation Christmas Child  A Project of Samaritan's Purse
Seeing shoe boxes filled with Christmas presents was a humbling experience when Brandon Lilly was in Botswana, Africa.  Here is an example of where your boxes go... look at the happy faces!


Is your heart broken by the desperate plight of millions of children around the world? Whether they are refugees of civil war, survivors of a natural disaster, or victims of extreme poverty, these little ones need to know that they are precious to God. By taking an ordinary shoe box, filling it with toys and other presents, you can have an extraordinary gift for a child in need of joy and hope. Brochures are available near the water fountain at Memorial Church with all the information that you need to be a part of this ministry. If you have any questions, contact Charlotte Cartwright 872- 6487