~Mission Alley
Thanks to all who contributed in any way to ALL of the treat bags for community workers in our outreach ministry in 2020.
Thank you for donated items for COME! A special thank you to Carol and Ken for the quilt! 2018

2017- 31 bags of food were donated to the Bread of Life Food Pantry as our Share the Harvest ministry.
Thank you for the 44 shoeboxes we filled for children as part of Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse.
What is Matthew 25 Ministries?
Matthew 25 Ministries is based on the scripture passage of Matthew 25...
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me,... Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of min, you did for me."
Mission Alley is the central information and collection point for Mathew 25 Ministries. It is the place where donated items are collected, it is a bulletin board where pictures of the church family in action are shared and where informational brochures, letters and request form Mission Projects are posted
Where is Mission Alley?
Mission Alley is located in the rear narthex of the church.This location permits easy drop off of items to be recycled or donated for the benefit of numerous charities. Our Church is a collection point for the Food Pantry, please drop off at the church narthex.
Recycling for Mission...
Aluminum Cans (Please crush) Cans are collected and then sold with the cash going to support Nicholas/Webster County Habitat for Humanity. A ministry providing safe and affordable housing for residents of our community. Bring your aluminum cans and place them int he recycling box (inside the emergency stairwell. When a truckload is collected a volunteer drives them to a local recycling center to be sold.
Pop tops: Pop tabs or pull tabs off cans collected benefit Ronald McDonald House , Charleston. This is a safe place where families of young people under care of the CAMC Children's Hospital can stay for little or no money. The Ronald McDonald House is within walking distance of the Charleston Area Medical Center.
Separate the pop tops from your aluminum cans and deposit them in the container on the top shelf of the coat rack. The tops will be delivered to Charleston when the collection container is filled. This helps to meet the operational need of the house.
Cut the labels neatly from the can or box and place them in the collection container. They will be bundled and sent to Scott's Run Settlement House.
Used Ink Cartridges: Benefits Tyrand Cooperative Parish and Habitat for Humanity. Each printer cartridge has an approximate value of $2.00 when they are recycled through a corporate sponsor. It also reduces the amount of cartridges going to our local landfills, saving space and saving natural resources.
Used ink cartridges of all brands and types are recycled. This means all sizes and types, (copy machine, fax, or printer) are accepted. Please deposit in the marked container on the top shelf of the coat rack in the rear narthex.
Other Mission Opportunities
Troop Care Packages: The war on terrorism has called many of our men and women to action. Many of our families are effected by those they love serving in the US Armed Forces. Items collected and sent overseas show these brave men and women that we care and they are in our thoughts and prayers. If you have someone you would like to send a care package, please contact the church office at 304-872-3221.
College Student Care Boxes and the Adopt a Student program: We have many students away at college. Through the "Adopt a Student Program" members and friends of the church have an opportunity to stay connected with the student and to provide small gifts and words of encouragement throughout the school year. This ministry bridges the gap between the faith community and our students. Contact Kendra Bell through the church office 304-872-3221.
"When I was a stranger you welcomed me"
Toiletries: Soap, lotion, shampoo, or other miniature or single use items like the ones you get when you are staying in a motel and hotel. Instead of using these items once and opening a new one, collect them and donate to Mission Alley. Donated items will then be sent to the Love Works for use with those who have been displaced form their homes. Individual items can also be purchased at local area stores. These smaller items cut down on waste and allow for better distribution. Campbell's product labels: Labels from many Campbell products are turned into cash by Scott's Run Settlement House in Morgantown. Scott's Run is a part of "Campbell's Labels for Education" program. The labels are redeemed for free merchandise. Operation Christmas Child: Call Charlotte Cartwright 304-872-6487