Summersville Memorial United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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~Looking Back 2007

Summersville Memorial United Methodist Church

History – 2007

 After the last two weeks in 2006, with beautifully decorated church, lovely music by the choir and Wayne Halstead and inspirational programs by Pastor Jim Malick, the January meetings and activities got into a full schedule.

The teams and coaches started with idea and planning sessions for the year.  Pastor Jim and Jeanie Malick were on retreat January 8 -15th, with Lay Speaker, Jacque Snyder, speaker on Sunday, 14th.

Due to extreme weather conditions, 10 degrees below, snow and ice on roads the first two weeks of February, many meetings and events were rescheduled.  Sunday morning worship had fewer in attendance.

Preparations are in place for Lent, with “At the Table” With Your Nail daily devotion book, a nail as a Lent reminder and study groups.  Palm Sunday, Holy Week Services with community churches participation during the noon hour and a light lunch served after the 30 minute service.  Easter Sunday, there was Sunrise Service, followed by breakfast served by the U.M. Men.  Maundy Thursday with communion was observed, followed by a Tenabrae Service, directed by Wayne Halstead, on Friday evening.

Many changes are and will be taking place in the sanctuary with complete changes in the chancel and choir area.  The sound system is being upgraded and controls moved to the former chapel area.  After 57 years, the choir faces the congregation in a different seat placement, so as to improve the sound.

Starting April 15th no flowers will be placed on the Altar.  Flowers will be placed on the pedestals by families.  The guide book, Methodist Alter, by Hoyt L. Hickman (1951) gives directions for worship enhancement.

The bulletin board was a Joy Board for a few months, and other themes followed for the year.

A web site was set up by Marcy Lilly with information and pictures of the church stained glass windows.  The history, written by Mrs. Robert B. Campbell (Ann) was added to the site, with future information to be added.

April 15, 2007 was celebration of United Methodist Women’s Sunday of Status and Role.  Recognition of 50 year members of U.M.W. took place with ten women receiving a corsage from Jeanie Malick, representing the church.  Women wore hats to honor the tradition of 50 years ago.  A luncheon was served, following the service conducted by women.  Lydia Haynes, eleven years old and granddaughter of Rex and Sally Haynes, rendered two of her piano compositions in a professional manner.  Silent Hands ministry offered the special music.

April 22, 2007 Sunday was special for the dedication and baptism of Aubree McCarty and Gillian Rose Fraley infants by Pastor Andy Agnew and Pastor Jim Malick. Pastor Andy also shared the Good News with the church children.

Heritage Sunday was observed on April 29th with a special display of items from History and Archives, a scroll of family names from 1820 -2007, special music by Memorial Strings, sermon by Pastor Jim “Piecing a Quilt” with pieces of history from Methodist churches, North and South through present time.  A picnic basket lunch followed in Parish Hall.  The service was on video, shown on local TV by Mayor Stanley Adkins.

Tim Larrick was honored at a surprise dinner and celebration as Scout Master for twelve (12) years before accepting his retirement.

College and High School graduates were honored Sunday, June 3.  Reception followed.  Anna Bird received the first offered KITE Scholarship.

West Virginia Conference 2007 session was held at WV Wesleyan College with Pastor Jim and Jeanie and others in attendance from Memorial U.M.  A Lay Leader, Jacque Synder spoke at Memorial June 10th.

The City of Summersville and Trustees of Memorial replaced the wall at Methodist South Cemetery with the city paying for the supplies and labor.  Robert B. Campbell paid for the replacement steps and hand rails at the cemetery.  Cecil I. Walker Machinery donated equipment for preliminary work.  Dacca Co., David Whitlock, owner was paid for the concrete steps. Dedication was August 12th with 23 persons in attendance and refreshments served following the dedication.

Vacation Bible School “Left Off Soaring New Heights with God” was held July 16 – 21, 9:00 a.m. to noon at Memorial with Jeanie Malick and Betty McMillion in charge.  Children from the Presbyterian and St. Martin ’s Episcopal churches also attended with children from Memorial and the community.  A hot dog lunch was served to parents and children on Friday.  About 45 children attend VBS.

A special service “Blessings, Honor and Glory” Service was held on July 12, 2007 with Pastor Jim Malick.  Wayne Halstead, Director and Organist, Memorial Choir performed beautiful music.  Past veterans were recognized, with blessings and prayers for 821st ENG-BN WV National Guard.

A Welcome Back Luncheon was served following August 19th service for Pastor Jim and Jeanie Malick, provided by the church.

Activities for August also included a Padded Chair drive for $2,000 to purchase 100 padded chairs for Parish Hall, Promotion sale of Taste of Heaven Cookbooks @ $10 each to benefit WV Conference Church and community workers, Choir Cook-out held at Director Wayne Halstead and Donna Halstead’s home, 1st Annual College Student Send-off Picnic, organized by Higher Ed. & Campus Ministry Chair Susan Larrick and hosted at the home of Wayne and Donna Halstead, Silent Hands Ice Cream Social and Program, August 17th.

September was a busy month for U.M.W. in preparation and making apple butter for sale at the Apple Festival on Sept. 22nd.  A flea market, lunch, apple butter making brought in a large crowd to participate in the fundraising event which made $3,500.  Five new members were taken into the church membership by baptism and transfer on Sept. 30th.

Reports and budget requests were made in October in preparation for Charge Conference conducted by Rev. Mark Flynn and Pastor Jim Malick on Sunday, the 28th 2007 at 2:00 p.m.  Fifteen members attended and heard Rev. Flynn compliment Pastor Jim Malick’s oral and written report and the Memorial Church for meeting apportionments.  All Saints Day was honored with a display of past members pictures featured in clouds on the bulletin board.

Lay Witness Mission took place at Memorial on Nov. 2, 3, and 4th under leadership of Marla Wightman.  There were twenty-two (22) visiting Team Members from VA, PA and WV who shared their faith during church sessions and small group coffees in five (5) member’s homes.

The Comforting Hands Quilt Ministry made ten (10) twin bed quilts and delivered them to the Faltis Children’s Shelter.  Sally Haynes, Charlotte Cartwright, and Ann Campbell accompanied Pastor Jim Malick to make the delivery.  They were given a tour of the home by the director of the facility.

The trustees arranged for updating the electrical system at the Parsonage.  Rex Haynes and others made the changes.  The church’s front steps were repaired and covered with a small stone process.  The parsonage’s walk and steps were repaired.  Old shrubs were removed from back of the church and replaced with new shrubs and mulch.  Bill Harlow does an excellent job with the landscaping and maintenance of the grounds.

December honored the birth of Jesus with many events, starting with the “Hanging of the Greens”, a cantata “The Rose” was presented by Chancel Choir under the direction of Wayne Halstead.  The Methodist Men served an Italian dinner before the cantata as a fundraiser.  The Silent Hands Group served a spaghetti dinner and entertained with Christmas music on Dec. 14th.  The theme of Hope was observed throughout the month with displays, sermons, and programs.

The Comforting Hands Ministry of Memorial made and donated the following items in 2007:  Quilts: 10 to Faltis Children’s Shelter, 1 to Burlington Auction, 1 to COME, 2 to Wrapped in Warmth, 9 Lap Robes; to Apple Festival Sale:  11 Baby Bibs, 1 Baby Quilt, 6 purses, Church Families - 7 Baby Quilts, to church members – 2 Full-sized quilts, Chemo-Turbans for Hospice – 34 Turbans.  All the above items were made by five (5) members.

The yearly attendance was good, the apportionments were met and paid in the amount of $35,636.00.  The staff: Pastor Jim Malick, Director of Music, Wayne Halstead, Church Secretary, Susan Larrick, Custodian, Alice Merryman, and Finance Secretary, Donna Halstead, all faithfully served Memorial United Methodist Church .


                                                                        Submitted by

                                                                         Mrs. Robert B. Campbell (Ann)
