Summersville Memorial United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
To make Disciples of Jesus Christ
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~UM Women

 Meeting again on second Saturday of month.

Thanks to all the women who help with our projects.

Officers for 2020


2019 Fall Festival went well; thanks to everyone involved!



 Another good experience of giving away stuffed animals to children at the Potato Festival was enjoyed by the UMW in 2019. We missed getting to do this in 2020.


 UMW are trying to reach out to people in the church as well as in the community. If you know of someone who needs a phone call or assistance, call the church office and leave a message for Beth. 


Tree decorated by UMW for  Brown Oaks 

United Methodist Women

General Meeting


Officers: President Beth Jordan, Vice-President Marie Parsons, Betty McMillion (installation officer), and Barbara Woods, Secretary/Treasury




Lunch Honoring Fathers 2017 




 UMW General Meeting in February 2017 - Making book bags for UMCOR



 The organized unit of the United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministry of the church.

United Methodist Women:
Agape Circle  Cindy Waters
Response Circle:  Jane Fidler and Peggy Basham
Breakfast Circle:  Betty McMillion 872-1341

      The General Meetings of the UMW are held on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall of the church. The President of this group is Beth Jordan.

 2018 UMW Reading Program

50 Women Every Christian Should Know by Michelle DuRusa

Good Health, Good Life by Joyce Meyer

First White Frost by Homer Noley is an intense book about how Methodists tried to convert Native Americans.

Tattered and Mended by Cynthia Ruchti

2016 UMW Books to Read

Tilly - A Story of Hope and Resilience [Spiritual Growth]

Chasing the Divine in the Holy Land [Education for Mission]

The White Umbrella [Social Action]

I Am Malala [Leadership and Development]

Miss Brenda and the Love Ladies [Nuturing for Community]

Each Fall the UMW sponsor:

Fund raisers to help missions.
They also conduct a Mission Study Program each Fall, usually in November.  
Each Christmas, the United Methodist Women sponsor a Covered Dish Dinner for members and their spouses.

 Honor Our Women Sunday