...What's New at Memorial
Christmas Shoebox Ministry is under way. All donations are appreciated.
Brian Bell was selected 2020 Officer of the Year of the Summersville Fire Department.
Wyatt Bell was selected Fireman of the Year 2020.
Christmas presents and filled stockings were delivered to DRC in December 2020.
Bags of goodies delivered to 911 call center and Jan Care workers

Luggage collected for local children by Agape Circle
Welcome to our 3 new members: Donna, Marti, and Shirley

Church Picnic September 8, 2019
Welcome luncheon for Pastor Carolyn July 14, 2019
Celebrating Rev. Dave's retirement
Celebrating Wyatt Bell's graduation!

Victor Umbliya was recognized on June 17th for his successful completion of the requirements for US citizenship. Congratulations to him. Shown with Victor is his wife Donna.
We were so saddened at the loss of Viictor, Continued prayers for his widow, Donna.
Celebration of Larry Lewis's 70th Birthday

Gerri Corbin's 105th birthday celebration with Ilene, Rev. Dave, and Linda {top}
March 18th, 2018

Mozelle, Barbara, and Marla

Happy Birthday, Geraldine!
(with Charlene)
Anne Campbell was selected a WV History Hero by the Nicholas County Historical and Genealogical Society. She was honored at a presentation at the cultural center in Charleston.
Brian Bell was named Summersville Fire Department Officer of the year -2017.
Wishing these three an exciting, successful first year in college. Good thoughts for all our returning students.

Fun and games in February 2017
The wedding of Stella and Paul 1/7/17 May God bless their marriage.

Church Staff receiving token of appreciation from the church presented by SPRC Chairman WD Smith (not pictured).2016

Summersville Cooperative Parish Charge Conference with District Superintendent Reverend Melissa Shortridge
Meditation & Prayer Chapel
Looking for a quiet place, a place to get away for awhile? The prayer chapel is now sharing sacred space with the library on the main floor of the church. This quiet place has been set aside for time of
meditation and prayer for your spiritual needs. Bibles, devotional materials and other reading resources are available for your use. Please feel free to take some time apart during the week or before worship on Sunday mornings to be in prayer or to meditate upon the issues of life, love and spiritual living.
Here is list of books that have been donated to the church library:
“Moving Into Light” by: Luci Shaw
“Jewish Life, Jewish Humor” (A Guide to Jesus and Jewish Life) by: Sidney
“Happiness” (How to Find it and Keep it) by: Joan Duncan Oliver
“Hymns of Faith & Inspiration” by: Pamela J. Kennedy
“Geography of Religion” by: Hitchcock & Esposito
The Complete “Left Behind” Series by: LaHaye & Jenkins