Summersville Memorial United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
To make Disciples of Jesus Christ
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~Prayer for Pastor Carolyn

Prayers for Pastor Carolyn!
 She carries a heavy load trying her best to follow Jesus and help us follow our God.
             Prayer of Gratitude
Thank you Lord, for Your steadfast love and faithfulness!
Thank You for Your Presence
That will not leave my side.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit
Who lives within me and is my Guide.
Thank you for the gift of forgiveness
I come to Your throne of grace lifting up the
sins I have committed this day.
Thank you for new possibilities in my life
Grant me the eyes to see them clearly.
Thank you for Your amazing grace that
allows me to live in freedom!
Thank you for dying the death I deserved
And inviting me to die to myself and allow
You to live in and through me!
Thank You for the abundant life You call us to,
Enable us to see it and claim it as we draw closer in
our relationship with You.  Amen. 
 Prayer for New Beginnings
(based on Isaiah 43:19)
Thank you, Lord for new beginnings.
You invite us to open ourselves to new opportunities.
We desire to be open to the new thing
You want to do in and through us.
You invite us to let go of the things
of the past that would hinder our life in You.
Grant us the desire and courage to truly let go of the
past and to rely on You for everything.
You invite us to have "eyes to see" and " ears to hear"
the new possibilities You offer us daily.
Remind us that with You anything is possible.

Grant us clean and pure hearts, O God, and
Renew a right spirit within. Pour out the Holy Spirit on
us as we joyfully embrace Your new beginnings.


Ephesians 6:19

Praying for our Pastor is critical. By choosing to pray for her, you choose to speak blessings for her, claim all that God has in store for her, and build a shield against all kinds of evils meant to halt or harm her.

“Pray also for me,

that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me


Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.…” Hebrews 13:7

Heavenly Father, we thank you today for Pastor Carolyn
and her faithfulness to your cause.

Thank you for her personal commitment to Jesus Christ

as her Lord and Savior and to the Word of God.

Thank you for her thoughtful exposition of your Word,

as she heeds your call to "Preach the Word” with great patience and careful instruction.

Thank you for her leadership in our church services

and the orderly manner in which she leads us,

seeking to fulfill her Biblical call.

Thank you for her interest in the flock under her care

and the burden that she carries for your people.

May you continue to confer your richest blessings

upon this ministry 

as she seeks to fulfill her call amongst us

and thus bring You glory.

In the powerful name of Jesus Christ we pray. -Amen